Step 1: Setting Up The Bank Account
- In the HR Lounge, navigate to the Payroll section.
- Click on Settings and scroll down to the Bank Account column. In the "Bank Account" field, select Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad.
- Enter the required information in the fields provided (refer to the sample screenshot below) and click Save at the bottom of the Settings page to complete the setup.
To successfully download the bank file containing the complete information, ensure all fields are filled in as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 2: Downloading The Bank File
- In the HR Lounge, navigate to the Payroll section.
- In the Payroll History dashboard, click on the COMPLETED payroll cycle for which you want to process payments.
- Scroll down to the Bank File column and, based on your payroll cycle, click the Download button (as shown in the sample screenshots below) to download the bank file.
- In the "Generate bank file for Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad" pop-up window:
- Select the bank file type.
- Select the employee(s).
- Click Generate to download the file.
- Once you have downloaded the bank file for Payroll, EPF, SOCSO, or any other purpose, proceed to upload the file to the bank's portal for payment.
If any information is missing, you will be unable to generate the bank file, and a warning prompt will appear (as shown in the screenshot below).
To resolve this, input the missing information and then attempt to generate the bank file again.
Downloading The Text File For Statutory Portal Upload
- If you prefer to upload Statutory Text Files directly via the Statutory Portal, you will need to generate the text file from the Statutory Reporting category below.
- After downloading the text files from the system, proceed to upload them to the relevant Statutory Portals (e.g., KWSP, LHDN portals).
Ensure that the files generated from the system are correct. If you upload a file from the Statutory Reporting category to the Bank Portal, an error message indicating an incorrect format will be received.
Successful uploads will only occur if the files are downloaded from the correct category and uploaded to the corresponding portals.
Need Assistance?
If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at