CIMB Bank Singapore: How to Generate Payroll Bank File

Great news! BrioHR now supports generating bank files for employers using CIMB Bank Singapore. Here's a simple guide to get started:

Step 1: Setting Up Your Bank Account
1. In the HR Lounge, navigate to the Payroll section.

2. Click on Settings, scroll down to Bank Account, and select CIMB Bank in the "Bank Account" field.

3. Enter the required details, including the Account Holder Name and Account Number, then click Save at the bottom of the page to complete the setup.


Step 2: Downloading the Bank File
1. In the HR Lounge, navigate to the Payroll section.

2. On the Payroll History dashboard, select the completed payroll month for which you wish to process payments.

3. Click the Download button for the bank file.

4. Choose the employees to be included in the file, select the Bank Crediting Date, and click Generate.

With these steps, your CIMB bank file will be ready for payroll processing!


If any required information is missing, the bank file cannot be generated, and a warning prompt will appear (as shown in the screenshot below).

To resolve this, kindly update the missing information and then regenerate the bank file.


Need Assistance?

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