Learn how to set up flexible hours work schedules effectively. This guide covers step-by-step instructions for default pattern full week and custom.
Schedule is the latest feature by BrioHR. This feature allows employers to setup different work schedule patterns weekly or for a specific period of time .Work schedule supports working on half days.
In this article, you will learn how to setup the general section of work schedule creation. There are 2 types of default pattern you can set in a work schedule: Full Week and Custom.
Creating variety of work schedules allow you to define it for specific Offices, or for specific individuals.
To Create a New Work Schedule:
Login to BrioHR account
- Go to Settings
- Navigate to Schedules & Shifts
- At Work Schedules section, click on the button +Create Schedule.
- You will be directed to a page to create a new work schedule.
- On this page, there are 2 sections: General and Work Pattern Variation.
- Go to General.
General Section of Create New Work Schedule:
- Fill in a Schedule Name.
- Work Hours per day (compulsory) : set up number of hours your employees work in a day. This will affect the work pattern.
- If the employees need to work on public holiday, select the checkbox of 'Work on public holiday'
- Choose the work arrangement for this work schedule: Flexible hours and Shift.
- Choose 'Flexible Hours' : Work hours are calculated based on the total number of hours worked each day or week, rater than specific clock-in and clock-out times.
- It is crucial that you have inputted the correct amount of hours work per day at the field 'Work hours per day'
- For the default pattern, choose either it's a Full Week pattern, or a Custom pattern.
You can only select the work arrangement one time only. Once you have selected 'Shift', you cannot modify to 'Flexible Hours' after the work schedule has been created.
If you need to change, you have to create a new work schedule instead.
Default pattern: Full Week
Here is to define the recurring work pattern for a full week. It follows default 7-day per week.- A day that is set as 'Full Day' will be 8 hours.
- A day that is set as 'Half Day' will be 4 hours.
- A 'Rest Day' is consider as weekend/day off. Selecting the days as 'Rest Day' will prevent leave from being applied.
- Any week day that is set as 'Half Day', the employee cannot apply full day leave for that day.
Default pattern: Custom
Custom work pattern is based on rule, such as working for 4 days and resting for 1 day and it will repeat.
- Set number of days work per week at 'Work for' field.
- Set a Reference date. This is the starting date from which your work schedule pattern begins. This date serves as the anchor point for all recurring work cycles and shift patterns in the system.
Custom work pattern do not follow days sequence in a week.
If you set a Reference date middle of the month (eg, 15 October 2024), the custom work pattern will start from 15 October 2024 including Saturday, Sunday. and public holiday (following calendar days).
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