For employees to view their personal performance page, they can access it at My Goals on the Home page.
Enabling employees to access MyGoals in BrioHR allows them to track their personal performance, manage objectives, and engage in self-evaluation. In this guide, we'll show you how to enable permissions so that employees can easily view their performance goals
Why Employees Need Access to My Goals
Without proper access, employees cannot view their personal performance page, making it difficult to manage personal objectives and KPIs, review competencies, conduct self-appraisals, or leave comments in the 1-on-1 Feedback section.
This guide will show you how to enable employees to access their personal performance page, ensuring they can conduct proper performance evaluations.
Granting Permission for Employees to View Their Personal Performance Page
Granting permission for employees to view their personal performance page can be done through User Group settings.
Only the main account admin (those with access to the Settings button) can edit the access permissions of User Groups.
To enable the access permission:
Login to BrioHR
- Click on Settings (at the top right corner of the screen).
- Go to User Groups.
- Find the user group to edit (e.g., Employee) and click the pencil icon to edit.
- Click on the category: Employee Modules Permission. This category represents the Home page.
- Look for the Performance module and toggle the button ON.
- There is two sub-permissions:
- Allow to edit objective weightage: Enabling this permission allows employees to modify their personal objective weightage.
- Allow to edit objectives after manager has confirmed: Enabling this permission allows employees to edit and/or add new personal objectives after manager has completed objectives confirmation task.
- There is two sub-permissions:
- Click Save.
BrioHR user settings for enabling MyGoals access
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