To view, send, or download employee payroll documents such as Payslips, EA Forms, and PCB II Forms, follow these steps:
MALAYSIA PAYROLL: You can view/access Payslips, EA Forms, and PCB II Forms.
SINGAPORE PAYROLL: You can view/access only Payslips, as EA Forms and PCB II Forms are not applicable to Singapore payroll.
- Go to HR Lounge > Payroll, and click on Quick Actions > Employee Payroll Documents (Payroll Documents).
- The available document types are:
1. Payslips
In addition to viewing payslips, you can perform the following actions:
A. Filter by Name, Year, and Month
Use these filters to select the employee and payslip period.
B. View the Status of Sent Payslips
Once a payslip has been sent, the date and time stamp will be displayed next to the "PAYSLIP SENT" status.
C. Send Payslips Individually
Click on the "Send Payslip" icon to email the selected payslip to the employee.
D. Download Payslips Individually
Click on the "Download" icon to download the selected payslip.
E. Send Payslips in Bulk
Click on the "Send Payslip in Bulk" icon, then select the payslip period, payroll cycle, and employees to send payslips to multiple employees at once.
For payslips with a "SENT" status, hover over the status to view the date and time stamp indicating when the payslip was sent.
A payslip that has already been sent to an employee can be resent by following the same steps. The system does not restrict you from sending payslips more than once. The date and time stamp will show the most recent activity of when the payslip was sent.
F. Download Payslips in Bulk
Click on the "Payslip Bulk Download" icon, then select the payslip period, payroll cycle, and employees to download payslips for multiple employees at once.
The system will process your download request. Once processed, a zip file containing the payslips will be sent to you via email.
2. EA Forms
You can perform the following actions:
A. Release EA Form
When the due date approaches, click on the "Release EA Form" icon to release the form to employees. Alternatively, click on the "Download EA Form" icon to download the form.
B. Undo Release of EA Form
Click on the "..." icon, and select "Undo Release" to revoke the release of the EA Form.
Once undone, employees will no longer be able to access the EA Form from their Home dashboard until it is released again. However, if an employee has already downloaded the EA Form or received it via email, the previously downloaded/received PDF will still be accessible.
C. Send or Download Released EA Forms
Click on the "Send to Email" icon to email the released EA Form to employees, or click on the "Download EA Form" icon to download the form.
3. PCB II Forms
You can perform the following actions:
A. Release PCB II Form
When the due date approaches, click on the "Release PCB II" icon to release the form to employees. Alternatively, click on the "Download PCB II" icon to download the form.
B. Undo Release of PCB II Form
Click on the "..." icon, and select "Undo Release" to revoke the release of the PCB II Form.
Once undone, employees will no longer be able to access the PCB II Form from their Home dashboard until it is released again. However, if an employee has already downloaded the PCB II Form or received it via email, the previously downloaded/received PDF will still be accessible.
C. Send or Download Released PCB II Forms
Click on the "Send to Email" icon to email the released PCB II Form to employees, or click on the "Download PCB II Form" icon to download the form.
Need Assistance?
If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at