How to Adjust Leave Balance or Carry Forward in HR Lounge

Every employee eligible for a specific leave type has a leave policy assigned that determines their leave entitlement, leave balance, and automatically calculates their carry forward at the end of the year.

However, you may need to manually adjust someone's leave balance or carry forward entitlement for various reasons, such as:

  • An employee who took too much leave last year has "borrowed" leave from this year and will start with a negative initial balance.
  • An employee given an extra leave day this year will have a positive initial balance.
  • An employee who did not take all their leave last year might have a carry forward.

For more information on leave types, see how to create and manage leave types.

How to Adjust a Leave Balance or Carry Forward

1.   Go to HR Lounge > Leave > Leave Policies and select the relevant leave type (e.g., Annual).

2.   Under the Tools section, open the initial balances.


Here, you will see all the employees with columns for initial balance and carry forward:

  • Initial balance: This is the leave balance the employee has on January 1st, in addition to their year's entitlement. It can be positive if you want to add some leave days for this year or negative if the employee took too many leaves last year.
  • Carry forward: This is the carry forward entitlement of the employee for this year.

Adjustment Methods

Manually: You can use the pencil button to manually edit the initial balance and carry forward.

Automated: You can use the refresh button to have Brio automatically calculate the initial balance and carry forward based on last year's leaves. This is useful if you need to adjust the leave balance or carry forward after adding a backdated leave last year. Brio will use the leave policy to compute the leave entitlement for last year and the booked leaves in the system to calculate the end-of-year leave balance.


  • Positive End-of-Year Leave Balance: If the end-of-year leave balance is positive and the employee's policy allows for carry forward (up to a certain number of days), the carry forward column will be automatically filled.
  • Negative End-of-Year Leave Balance: If the end-of-year leave balance is negative, the initial balance will be filled with a negative number to compensate for the anticipated leave taken last year.


A. Example with Carry Forward

As per the screenshot above, Donald has 5 days of carry forward in 2024. His leave balance at the end of January shows:

  • Carry forward: 5 days (as per configuration)
  • Annual leave accrued: 1.50 day (He has an 18-day entitlement for the year)



If the carry forward value in the employee's leave page is higher than the initial balance, it is likely because someone has "forced" booking more carry forward days than allowed. Check the leave history for discrepancies.


For more information on editing carry forward balance, please refer to this guide

B. Example with Negative Leave Balance

Hafiz has a -0.50 day initial balance in 2024 (authorized to take 2 more leaves than entitled in 2023). His leave balance at the end of January shows:

  • Carry forward: 0 days (as per configuration)
  • Annual leave accrued: -1 day (He has a 12-day entitlement for the year, earning 1 day by end of January, but -2 days from the configuration)




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