Before applying for leave through the BrioHR Mobile app, please ensure you have downloaded it from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Once the app is downloaded, log in with your credentials as usual.
Step 1: Access the Leaves Section
- After logging in to the mobile app, you will be directed to the main page. Tap on the LEAVES button to proceed.
In the Leaves dashboard, you will see the following information:- Leave Balance: Your current leave balance.
- Upcoming Leave/Pending Leave: Upcoming leave requests and those pending approval.
- Past Leave/Canceled Leave: Past leave records and any leave that has been canceled.
Step 2: Apply for a New Leave
- Tap the +Apply Leave button.

- Select the leave type (e.g., Annual Leave).
- Tap Choose Date to select your desired leave dates.
- Provide the following information:
A. Start Date: Select from the calendar
B. End Date: Select from the calendar.
If you wish to apply for a half-day leave, check the Half-Day box next to the date. The system will automatically calculate the number of leave days based on your selection.
C. Half Day PM: 0.5 day leave in the afternoon.
D. Half Day AM: 0.5 day leave in the morning.
- Tap Choose (X days) to confirm your selection.

- Provide additional details if necessary:
- Justification: Enter a reason for your leave, if applicable.
- Attachment: Upload any supporting documents by tapping the Attachment button.
- Tap Submit Request (X days) to complete your leave application.
Step 3: Confirmation and Approval
- After successfully submitting your leave application, an email notification will be sent to your approver to process the request. The status of your pending leave will appear on the Leaves dashboard.

Need Assistance?
If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at