Step 1: Enabling User Group Permissions For The Who's Away Calendar
Only an Admin user with access to the "Settings" page can configure these settings.
1. In the Settings menu, click on "User Groups".
2. Find the user group category you want to enable permissions for and click on "Edit".
(For example, the Admin user group.)
3. Click on "Page Access" and tick the following settings configurations to apply:
- Who's Away: Tick this checkbox to allow the user to view Who's Away information from the Home dashboard.
- View employees within their office: Tick this checkbox to restrict the user to view leave information only for their office.
- View employees within their department: Tick this checkbox to restrict the user to view leave information only for their department.
- View everyone's: Tick this checkbox to allow the user to view leave information of all employees from any office/department.
- Includes leave requests that are pending approval: Tick this checkbox to include information on leave requests pending approval. (If this setting is not enabled, the Who's Away calendar will only display approved leave requests.)
4. Click the "Save" button to apply and save the selected settings.
Step 2: Viewing Information On The Who's Away Calendar
1. Access the "Who's Away" calendar from the Home dashboard.
2. You can perform the following actions:
- Filter leave by department or office: Select options from the dropdown menu to filter.
- View dates for public holidays and leave applications: Click on dates to view details for the selected period. Use the "<" or ">" icons to navigate between months and years.
- Indication for half-day leave applications: A red circle indicates a half-day leave application. (Hover over the circle to see if the half-day leave is for AM or PM.)
- View more leave application details: Click on "See details" to filter leave information by:
- Employee name/ID
- Department
- Office
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and view employee leave information using the Who's Away calendar.
Need Assistance?
If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at