Before enabling the Timesheet Module for all employees, ensure that its settings are correctly configured.
Timesheet Settings Overview
There are two key parts to configure:
Part A: Company Settings
Part B: Employee Timesheet Settings (including approver roles and work hours customization for specific employees)
In this article, we'll focus on Part A: Company Settings. To read about Part B, click here.
Part A: Company Settings
To get started, log in to BrioHR.
- Navigate to the HR Lounge.
- Click on Timesheets.

On the Timesheet dashboard:
- Click on Settings.
- Locate Company Settings.

- Set the Submission Due Date: This date will be used as the basis for the submission reminder in subsequent steps.
- Enter the Number of Hours for Work Hours:
This setting determines the total man-hours recorded in the Timesheet. If the recorded man-hours exceed the set Work Hours, the system will automatically categorize the extra hours as overtime.
Example: For Company XYZ PTE Ltd, the set work hours are 7.5 hours.
If Employee M logs 9 hours in their Timesheet for a day, the additional 1.5 hours (9 hours - 7.5 hours) will be marked as overtime.
- Configure the Approval Workflow: You can define multiple approver levels. The Approval Workflow applies to all users of the Timesheet Module. For specific approver customization, refer to Part B.
Approver Types:
- Position: Select either Manager or Client.
- Select Employee: Choose a specific employee to act as the approver.
Choosing Manager means the employee’s direct manager (not the project manager) will be the Timesheet approver.
Choosing Client means the client assigned to the respective project will be the Timesheet approver. If you do not see the 'Client' option, please contact BrioHR Live Chat for assistance or email
- Set the Submission Reminder: Define the frequency and timing for automatic email reminders to employees for Timesheet submission. Reminders can be scheduled before and/or after the Submission Date.
- Click Save Settings.

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