How to Create a New Post

Go to Feed and Click on [Hi "your name", what would you like to share?].

  1. Select from the Shared with dropdown list to set who can view your post..
  2. Input a title for your post.
  3. Type your content in the content box.
  4. To upload a picture, video, or attachment to your post, click the respective image, video, or clip icon. Then, select the file you wish to upload and click Open. For videos, input the video link.
  5. If this is an event, tick the checkbox labeled "This is an event." Then, specify whether it is a one-day event and set the start and end date/time.
  6. If you want to pin the post, tick the "Pin this post" checkbox to save it to the top of the feed.
  7. If you need to notify recipients by email, tick the "Notify all recipients by email" checkbox to alert them of the new post.
  8. Click the Post button to publish your post to the feed.



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