How to Create a Pre-Assessment Question and Interview Scorecard

To create a Pre-screening Assessment and Interview Scorecard, navigate to HR Lounge > Recruitment > Settings (located next to the Dashboard).


How to Create:

a) Application Pre-Assessment: Toggle the switch ON and click the "Add Pre-Assessment" button.

b) Interview Scorecard: Click the "Add Scorecard" button.


A) Application Pre-Assessment

Pre-assessment forms are additional questions asked of candidates during their application process on your career page. Define the pre-assessment forms here, and select the relevant one when creating your job postings.

You can create a specific pre-assessment form for each job vacancy or have a general one to use during the job creation process.

Steps to Create a Pre-Assessment Form:

  • Form Name: Name your form.
  • Form Description: Provide a description of the form.
  • Criteria:
    • Open Question: Add any relevant question.
    • Assessment Criteria: Select criteria from the drop-down menu.
  • Mandatory Criteria: Check the box if the criteria are mandatory.
  • +Add Question: Add more questions to the form.
  • Save Form: Save your form.

B) Interview Scorecard

The interview scorecard is used by interviewers to record their feedback, comments, and ratings for each question.

When assigning an interview stage to a candidate, you can choose which interview scorecard to share with the interviewers.

You can create a specific interview scorecard for each job vacancy or have a general one.

Steps to Create an Interview Scorecard:

  • Form Name: Name your scorecard.
  • Form Description: Provide a description of the scorecard.
  • Questions: List the questions for interviewers to answer.
  • +Add Question: Add more questions to the scorecard.
  • Save Form: Save your scorecard.




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