How to Create and Submit Claims

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of:

  • Opening the "My Claims" page
  • Creating a new claim report
  • Adding a claim type/item
  • Saving a claim report as a draft
  • Saving a claim report while keeping it open (to add more claim types)
  • Locating the "Submit" button


Follow these steps to create and submit your claims:

  1. Log in to BrioHR.

  2. Navigate to "My Claims" from the Home page.


3.    You will be directed to the Expense Claims page.

    • Click "New Claim" to create a new claim item, or
    • Click the (+) button to add a claim to an existing Claim Report.

4.   A small window will pop up to enter new claim information:

a. Claim Report: If you have an existing claims report, you can select it. If not, click "Create new report."

b. Claim Type: Choose a claim type (e.g., meals, parking, transport, etc.).

c. Receipt Copy: Attach a copy of the receipt.

d. Transaction Date: Select the transaction date.

e. Description: Add a brief description of the claim (e.g., "Entertainment for Client").

f. Claim Limit Balance: Check your claim limit balance (if applicable).

g. Amount: Enter the total amount you want to claim. If the expense is in a foreign currency, select the correct currency and input the amount.

h. Total Amount (Office Currency): If the claim is for an overseas expense, enter the converted amount if the exchange rate is not pre-set by the admin.

i. Tax Amount and Receipt Number: These fields are optional.

Fill in all the necessary information.

    • Click "Save as Draft" to save the current claim as a draft if you're unable to complete it immediately. You can continue later.
    • Click "Save & Add Another Draft" to save the current draft and create a new one.
    • Click "Save" to create the claim record and close the window, or "Save & Add Another" to add more claims.




5.    Review your Claims Report before submitting.

6.    If you need to edit any claim item, click the pencil (edit) icon.

7.    Click "Submit" once you're done. Your approver will be notified to process your claim request.




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If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at