How to Create and Submit Claims from the BrioHR Mobile App

Login to Your BrioHR Mobile App

On your home page:

  • Click on 'Claims'

You'll be directed to the Ongoing Claims page.

  • Click on '+New Claim' to start creating a new claim item.


Alternatively, you can click on 'Snap Receipt' to take a photo of your receipt and create a claim item instantly.


  • Add an Attachment by clicking on the 'Add Attachment' button.


Attachments are required. You can upload them from your phone's gallery or take a photo and upload it immediately.

  • Choose the Category of your claim.
    For example, select Mobile Bill and Broadband for claims related to these expenses.
  • Click on 'Choose Report'.
    • If you don't have any open Claim Reports, you'll need to create a new one by clicking on '+Create Report'.
    • Why create a claim report? It's to consolidate all claim items for the month into one report.
    • When you submit, you'll submit a single report containing multiple claim items, rather than submitting each item individually.
  • Select the Transaction Date and fill in the required details:
    • Add Description
    • Enter the Total Amount
    • If claiming items paid for in a foreign currency, enter the amount in the local currency. For example, if you paid S$20 for a meal in Singapore, enter S$20 in the "Amount in local currency" field.
    • Select the Bill Start Date and End Date.
  • Click 'Save' to save and close.
    If you want to add another claim item immediately, click 'Save & Add Another'.
  • Review Your Report: Your newly created report will have an 'Open' status. You can still add more claim items to the same report.
  • Click the '+' Button to add a new claim item.
    • Once you're ready to submit your claim report, click 'Submit'. It's advisable to gather all items you want to claim under one report before submitting. This way, you can track the total amount you're claiming for the month.
  • Check Your Claim History: The Claim History page shows all reimbursed claim reports for your records.



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