How to Disconnect a User Session in BrioHR User Settings for Improved Security

What is Disconnecting a User Session in User Settings?

If a user logs into BrioHR on a public PC or shared laptop and forgets to log out, the session will remain active for 30 days.

To ensure the user's account remains secure, the System Admin or HR can use the "Disconnect User Session" function to log the user out of BrioHR.

To disconnect a user session:

  1. Go to the Settings button (top right corner).
  2. Search for the employee whose session you wish to disconnect.
  3. Click on the jVy4ryqaNxkboM9pnVNMDSxepyxtZXLbEg.png?1617204487button to see extended options.
  4. Select "Disconnect User Session."




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