This functionality is available for all claims and employees (Employee, Personal Assistant, and HR) on both the web browser and mobile app.
Make sure to update your mobile app to the latest version to enjoy all the newest features!
This new feature streamlines the claim creation process by eliminating the need for users to manually enter report names. Claims can now be saved as drafts instantly, with the system automatically generating a report name that can be edited later if necessary. This is particularly useful for employees who have Personal Assistants submitting claims on their behalf, as well as for higher management who rely on this support. Additionally, the feature is available on mobile apps for added convenience.
Once enabled, employees will no longer need to manually input report names. The system will automatically assign claims to an existing open report or create a new report name if none are available.
This feature maintains the existing functionality, ensuring that Non-Group Claims cannot be combined with Group Claims within the same report.
To enable this feature, please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to HR Lounge and select Expense Claims.
2. Go to Settings and activate the Automatic Claim Reports option.
3. Scroll to the bottom and click Save settings to finalize the process.
From the employee's side, the claim report section will display as "(Automatic)" as shown in the screenshot below. However, employees still have the option to manually create a report or select a different existing report if desired.
Web Browser:
Mobile App:
The report name is system-generated, as shown in the screenshot below. Please note that the date in the report reflects the claim creation date and follows a sequential order (1), (2), (3), etc., with the most recent appearing at the top.
Web Browser:
Mobile App:
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