How to Manage Per Day Allowance Claims

What is Per Day Allowance?

Per Day Allowance, also known as Per Diem, refers to expenses calculated based on daily rates. Employees must enter the relevant dates when submitting a claim.

Latest Update: Allow Editing Number of Days

When creating or modifying a claim type, you can enable the option "Allow edit number of days." This feature allows employees and HR to adjust the calculated number of days for a claim, even if it doesn’t align with the selected start and end dates.

For example, if the start date is July 15, 2024, and the end date is July 17, 2024, the system calculates the duration as 3 days. With the "Allow edit number of days" option enabled, users can adjust this duration to a different whole number.


The number of days must be a complete day; decimals, such as 1.5 days, are not permitted. The total amount will be updated based on the newly entered number of days. Modifications to the number of days can only be made via a web browser.


New Update: Start/End Time

The "Start/End Time" option can be enabled when creating or modifying the claim type. Employees are required to enter the Start/End Time when adding a claim if this option is enabled. Note that the time entry will not affect the total amount calculation, which is based solely on the selected dates.

How to Create a Claim Type Using Per Day Allowance:

  1. Go to HR Lounge > Expense Claims.
  2. Navigate to Claim Types.
  3. Click on the "+ Create Claim Type" button to create a new claim type.
  4. In the Basic Configuration form, select "Per Day Allowance" and choose the Allowance Currency:
    1. Use Office Currency: Follow the currency of your office's country.
    2. Set Fixed Currency: Choose an overseas currency applicable to all offices.
  5. Input the Rate per Day for each office. If "Set Fixed Currency" is selected, specify the currency for all offices.
  6. Tick the checkbox for "Start/End Time required" if necessary.
  7. Fill in the remaining details on the form and click Save.


Please update the BrioHR mobile app via the app store to submit this claim type through the mobile app.



Update for Set Fixed Currency Claim Type:

  • The claim limit will follow the fixed currency (e.g., USD) instead of the office's currency (e.g., MYR).
  • The system will convert amounts from the fixed currency (e.g., USD) to the office's currency (e.g., MYR) if you have paired the currencies and set a fixed exchange rate. Refer to the article on currency exchange rates for more information.
  • If no exchange rate has been set, employees will need to manually input the amount in the total amount field (office currency).

Employee View When Adding a New Claim Request Using Per Day Allowance:

  • Employees will need to enter the Start date and End date. The system will automatically calculate the number of days and the total amount for the claim request.


  1.   Use Office Currency


 2.   Set Fixed Currency


Mobile App:

 1.   Use Office Currency


2.   Set Fixed Currency




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