How to Mark Employee Claims as Reimbursed

After reimbursing an employee's claim, the HR or Finance personnel responsible must change the claim's status from 'Approved' to 'Reimbursed.'


Once a claim has been marked as 'Reimbursed,' this action is final, and no changes or reopening of the claim are allowed.

Steps to Mark a Claim as Reimbursed:

Log in to your BrioHR account.

  • Go to HR Lounge.
  • Navigate to Expense Claims.

You will be directed to the Expense Claims dashboard.

  • Go to the Claim Request page.
  • Select a claim report that you want to mark as ‘Reimbursed’ by ticking the checkbox.

After selecting a claim, a bottom menu will appear with options.

  • Choose the ‘Mark as Reimbursed’ option. The other available options are ‘Re-open’ and ‘Cancel Claim.’
  • A confirmation message will pop up.
  • Click ‘Mark as Reimbursed’ to finalize the process.

Once marked as 'Reimbursed,' the claim will no longer appear on the Claim Request page.


The employee's My Claims page will update, showing the claim's status as 'Reimbursed.'




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