How to Set "Client" as the Approver for Expense Claims

In the Expense Claims approval workflow, HR/Admin can assign a "Client" as the approver. This is useful when an employee is working on a project with an external client, and you want the client to approve the claim since it is related to their project.


Ensure that both the project and client information are updated in the Timesheet module and the employee profile under the Project page.


Steps to Set "Client" as the Approver in BrioHR, Log in to your BrioHR account.

  • Go to HR Lounge.
  • Navigate to Expense Claims > Claim Policies.
  • Select the policy name where you want to set "Client" as the approver.
  • Go to Approval.
  • Edit the Approval Workflow and select "Position - Client" as the approver.


Question: Does HR need to create a profile in BrioHR for the "Client" as a Claim approver?

Answer: HR does not need to create a profile for the "Client" in BrioHR. The client will approve the submitted Claim directly from their email.

Once an employee submits a Claim, the client (approver) will receive an email. The following steps outline how the client can approve or reject the claim:

  • Click on the blue link labeled "Click here to Approve/Reject".
  • The client will be directed to a new browser page titled "Claim Approval Request".

Here, the client can:

  • View the details of the Claim.
  • Acknowledge the claim by selecting the checkbox.
  • Click "Approve Claim" or "Reject Claim".



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