This step-by-step guide will help you set up custom configurations in the Leave module. Custom configurations will supersede the general configuration settings.
A sample provided at the end of this article shows how to customize entitlement days for employees. If you need to know how to customize the first and second leave approver, please refer to the link below:
How to customize leave approver for employees?
A) Enable Access Permission
Ensure that you have HR/Admin access to the Leave module in HR Lounge by following these steps:
- Go to Settings > User Groups > Select User Group > Edit > HR Modules Permission.
- Under Leave Module, ensure it is enabled.
- Allow module configuration by choosing the relevant option.
- Allow dashboard access by choosing the relevant option.
This is to enable access permission for HR/Admin, not for employees. If you already have access to HR Lounge > Leave, proceed to Part (B).
B) Custom Configure Specific Leave Policy
- Go to HR Lounge > Leave > Leave Policies.
- Select the Leave Type and then the Policy.
These steps must be performed for each policy that requires customization, as the custom configuration will not automatically apply to all policies within the leave type.
At the selected policy, click on Custom Configuration and select the customization option of your choice.
Options available are:
- Entitlement: Customize entitlement for a specific employee.
- Prorated: Customize proration mode and enable/disable this function for a specific employee.
- Carry Forward: Customize carry forward settings and enable/disable this function for a specific employee.
- First Approver: Customize the first approver for a specific employee.
- Second Approver: Customize the second approver for a specific employee.
- Past Application
- Past Approved Application
- Max Application in Advance
- Min Application in Advance
- Max Consecutive
In this example, we will select Entitlement.
1. Once Entitlement is selected, choose the names of the employees whose entitlement you want to customize and click on Next.
2a. Add More Days (or Reduce the Number of Days) from Default Entitlement
To add more days to the current entitlement, input the number of extra days in the 'Extra days to add' column.
Only add the extra number of days, not the total entitlement amount.
For example, if an employee already has 14 days of entitlement and you want to add 4 more days, input "4" in the column, not "18". Inputting "18" will give the employee 18 additional days, on top of their current 14 days.
To reduce the entitlement, input a negative number in the 'Extra days to add' column. Once filled in, click on Apply Customization.
Only input the number of days to reduce, not the total entitlement amount.
For example, if an employee already has 12 days of entitlement and you want to reduce it by 4 days, input "-4" in the column, not "8". Inputting "8" will give the employee 8 additional days, on top of their current 12 days.
You will see the Status change to Customized, and the employee's new entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.
2b. Switch to Modify Days with Tolerance Amount (Overwrite Default Entitlement)
To overwrite the entitlement amount, click 'Switch to modify days with tolerance amount'.
This overwrites the total entitlement amount.
For example, if the employee's default is 12 days and you want to change it to 16 days
In the field 'Input entitlement amount', add the new number of entitlement days.
For example, input 16 days. This employee's new entitlement will be 16 days instead of the default 12 days.
You will see the Status change to Customized, reflecting the new entitlement.
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