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View permission change history and delete user group
This is a step-by-step guide on how to view permission change history and delete user group.
Login to your BrioHR account:
1. At Home, go to Settings at the top right of your account.
2. Go to User Groups
3. Choose which user group you want to give the access to. Click on the icon to view permission change history.
4. System will show the history of change permission for the respective user group.
5. To delete user group, you can click on trash bin icon.
6. Please note only user group that has not been assigned to anyone can be deleted. If there are any users assign in that user group, pop up message as per below will shown.
7. If there are no user assigned to the user group, system will allow you to choose the action, either to proceed to delete or to cancel.
Click on Delete button to proceed with the deletion of user group.