What Are the Benefits of the Final Approval Date Feature in Claim Processing

We are thrilled to introduce our latest feature: the Final Approval Date. This powerful new tool allows users to search claims using the final approval date of a report, extending beyond the previous limitation of searching only by submission date. With this feature, you can easily locate approved claim requests for specific periods, significantly streamlining the processing of claims based on search results.

The Final Approval Date represents the day when a claim request was officially approved and changed to the "approved" status. For claim requests that require approval from multiple approvers, this date reflects the approval date of the final approver in the sequence.

This feature can be accessed in HR Lounge under the following paths: HR Lounge > Expense Claims > Claim Request and Expense Claim Reports.

How to Use the Final Approval Date Feature

  • In HR Lounge > Expense Claims > Claim Request:
  • Select the Final Approval Date option. 
  • Choose the desired period (e.g., current period, last 30 days, etc.) for filtering.

  • In Expense Claims Report:
  • Click on the Fields & Filters button.
  • Expand Claim - Main Fields.
  • Click the + Add filter button and input the period you wish to filter by.
  • Once finished, click on Apply changes.



Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our support team via live chat or email us at support@briohr.com.